We provide the highest Quality, Comprehensive Wellness Services to fit the needs of each Individuals through integrative Acupuncture,Tuina and Traditional Herbal Medicine.
According to Eastern philosophy, an imbalance of energy or blood flow will lead to disease in the body. Acupuncture needles placed along specific points can improve vitality, blood circulation, and restore the natural balance of the body. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is not a fad. It is not any one person’s theory either.
The history of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine spans 3,500 years of clinical rigors and results which gives us more assurances than even the FDA can provide. You can be positive that nobody is going to discover some unknown or surprising adverse effects in future years.
Oriental Medicine is unique as it is the only form of medicine to recognize “qi.” Qi is an electromagnetic current that flows parallel to our blood vessel and nerves. Blood circulation, nerve conduction and qi are interdependent. Improving any one of these conditions improves the other conditions. By recognizing qi as integral to diagnosis and treatment, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can achieve results that are not possible with other forms of medicine.
Circulation, nerve conduction and qi flow can be improved through the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine, or physical medicine. There are instances where one modality may be effective in achieving advantageous health condition; in other cases, two or all three modalities can be effectively used at the same time to achieve peak health condition.
Dr. Shin is trained Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in California and in South Korea. He can explain the nature of your disease through the eyes of Oriental Medicine. Whether you suffer from a serious disease or a simple head ache, he can help. Dr.Shin will provide the most comprehensive approach to diagnosis, treatment, and healing of your health issues.
A holistic way to improving your health.
Let us show you how Oriental medicine can help you:
Available Treatments
West LA Acupuncture tm
11340 W. Olympic Blvd., #160
Los Angeles, CA90064
Tel: 310 914-9422